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Counselling Services

Individual Trauma Therapy

Our mammalian nervous systems have evolved to help us survive and navigate extreme threat, horror, and terror incredibly well - given the right conditions.  But sometimes, if the conditions aren't right following such an event, our nervous systems can stay stuck feeling as if the threat is still happening, and reacting in "survival mode" (fight, flight, freeze, floppy, fawn) to try and keep us alive.  This is trauma.  In trauma therapy, we work together to create the right conditions for your nervous system to finish processing your experience, so you can get out of survival mode and get back to living.

Somatic Experiencing (SE™)

Developed by Dr. Peter Levine, Somatic Experiencing is a body-oriented therapeutic modality for working with and resolving symptoms of trauma.  In an SE approach, we track sensations, emotions, behaviours, thoughts, and movements to help us understand where and how patterns of fight, flight, and freeze may be "stuck" in your body, and we gently support your nervous system to finish those incomplete fight, flight, and freeze reactions and suppressed emotions.

Trauma Exposed Professionals

The DSM-5 defines a potentially traumatic event as one where there is exposure, either directly or indirectly, to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence.  Due to frequent, repeated exposures of this kind, there are certain trauma-exposed professions (TEP's) that carry a much higher-than-average risk of acquiring post-traumatic stress injuries (PTSI's), such as first responders, military members, nurses, doctors, trauma therapists, some types of front line social service workers, and others.  Erinn offers 1:1 trauma therapy to TEP's, and additionally has been supporting TEP's as a contracted group therapist with Wounded Warriors Canada since 2021.

Group Therapy

Witnessing and being witnessed by our peers lends power to a group therapy experience that is unique from what we can achieve in individual therapy.  In the container of a group, things can become possible in a matter of hours that might otherwise take weeks, months, or even years.


Although Coherence Counselling & Consulting is not currently running any therapeutic groups, we are available to develop and implement therapeutic groups and programs to serve your organization's clients.

Coherence Counselling & Consulting is based on the Unceded Traditional Territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of this land (Comox Valley, Vancouver Island, BC).

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All are welcome here.

©  2025 by Coherence Counselling and Consulting.

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